In this show we talked about Hip Hop and Rap in Iran and Afghanistan. We played alot of music and talked about the lyrics and about the current situation of the artists. We also had a special focus on women in persian and afghan Hip Hop. We hope, that you enjoy our show!

We were asked for a playlist for our Hip-Hop show. Here we go.

Iranian Rappers and their songs, we played:

Yas: Sound of unity ft TEch9
Shahin Najafi : chiz (Ahmadinejad diss)
Justina: kash donya behem ye dokhtar bede
Sogand: Leben Leben
Hichkas; ye mosht sarbaz (bunch of Soldiers)
Hichkas: ye rooze khoob miad
Zedbazi: tabestoom kootahe
Leito: mese khodete
Farinaz: be name zan (in the name of Woman)
Shahin Najafi: SAlam
Yas: az chi begam barat

Afghanian Rappers and their songs, we played:

Sonita Alizadeh: Brides for sale (in Persian and English)
Sonita Alizadeh: United afghan
Paradise (Afghanian femal rapper) and 143 (her band)
Ziba Hamidi: bename zan

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