
From 20th to 23 October 2016 invites the Federal Association of Free Radios (BFR) with Radio Corax for Future Workshop Community Media 2016 # zwcm2016 to Halle a. In many lectures, workshops and panels there is also this year in several thematic threads a common exchange to media policy, program and technology independent radio stations and other emancipatory and independent media projects.

Parallel place in this period, the organized by Radio Corax International Radio Art Festival RadioRevolten instead: „Radio Art is to present as an art form in its polyphony concerns the 30-day festival. 70 Künstler_innen from 17 countries present the latest radio art at 15 locations in the city in the form of exhibitions, installations, performances and concerts. On Air fnd the festival takes on the FM frequency 99.3 MHz. 35 distributed around the world radio stations are integrated parts of RadioRevolten in their program. „

Venue of the Future Workshop is the Halle hall of the Martin Luther University in the immediate vicinity of the radio. Our host is Radio Corax , the Free Radio in Halle that sends here since 2000th


Informations in German on community-media.net

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