What is the current situation of the See Brücke?

What’s the story of people, who have to endure sometimes for many years in  the refugee camp in Halberstadt ?

We discussed in our studio with new Common Voices  members Yasir and Samba about racism and we shared from Our Voice  – Radio Dreyeckland – a short powerful Speech that was held during a See Brücke Protest which took place on 22.09.2018 in Freiburg. Our Voice shared with us as well some answers from different people about what is racism?

Samba shared with us some of his songs  that he recorded in our studio and told us more about his passion. How  he -as musican- find a place to Jam with other  musicans in Halle. We presented to you at the end of our show a popular kids story  from Iran ( Tante Kakerlake/ Auntie Cockroach) which was produced in a KidsWorkshop in october 2018

This radio show was hosted in  English.

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