What does Decolonization mean ? How is decolonization related to the great regression of opinions, visions, and political proposals around the world ? What does decolonization mean in the current political atmosphere? we Shared part of @Achille Mbembe Speech – he was part of Roundtable event – about Public Debate Decolonization it was on 14. November 2018 in Halle Universitätsplatz. The roundtable debate engages representatives from both the opera and the university in dialogue with Achille Mbembe. We had an interview with @Nora Al-Badri the multi-disciplinary artist to tell us more about The Other Nefertiti (2016) and the public release of a high-res 3D data file of the Nefertiti Bust and digitisation and the decolonisation.
In local level, we relised that many people from Halle do not know that much about the traces of colonial history in the town. Halle postkolonial facebook group answered our questions and told us more information.
- 100 Jahre nach Ende des deutschen Kolonialreichs
- freiburg-postkolonial
- leipzig-postkolonial
- The Psychology of Colonialism, The History they don’t teach in School.
- L’AFRICAINE – buehnen-halle