Tonight epsiode is about women rights. We talked about some personal stories including the hate comments in social media and (moving on) for women. And also we stand up with protest in social media around the world to support women.

You want to read more, follow the tweets!

#StopEnslavingSaudiWomen hashtag from middle east leading by Dr. Azizah Alyousif with many women asking for the basic women rights.

#iwillGoOut hashtag from India support women against sexual assault and reclaiming a public space.

#stopbodyshaming hashtag against body shaming. All people are beautifull.

This epsiode is in English and little Arabic.

Songs in this epsiode:

  1. Majedalesa – Hwages

2. Melanie martinez – Mrs. Potato head

3. Khadim Alsahir

Tell us what do you think about it 🙂 Share and like please.

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