Invisible Waves – Live Show from the Stadtmuseum
Today we broadcasted from the Studio in the exhibition at the Stadtmuseum Halle. „Unsichtbare Wellen“ – „Unvisible Waves“ is a view to the history of radio in this region. We…
Today we broadcasted from the Studio in the exhibition at the Stadtmuseum Halle. „Unsichtbare Wellen“ – „Unvisible Waves“ is a view to the history of radio in this region. We…
The Power of now. Discussion about our favourite books. We talked about a few books: „Power of Now“ by Eckhart Tolle, „Who Moved My Cheese?“ by Spencer Johnson and „Blindess“…
مسا الخير اليوم كانت حلقتنا عن الامثال الشعبية و كم التشابه الكبير بين عدة ثقافات وعدة لغات بين عربي وانكليزي واسباني والماني وافريقي . بتمنى انو تسمعوها وتعطونا رئيكم .…
در اين برنامه اهنگ هاي پخش شد به زبان هاي مختلفدري,فارسي,عربي,تركي,اسپانيايي,انگليسي و الماني كه اميدوارىم از موزيك برنامه ما خوشتان بيايد. In this program we played songs in different langugages:…
حلقة تحتوي على مقابلة مع منظمة الكايتاز و عدة منظمات اخرى تقدم مساعدات للاجئين و ايضا تقدم استشارات لقضايا اللجوء و تهيئتهم للعيش مع المجتمع اللالماني This episode includes interviews…
This episode is in Farsi and English.
This time we want to present you some of our favourite songs – songs that move us, songs that are connected with personal stories, songs that touch our hearts –…
In this episode we are talking with Dr. Johannes Eichenhofer from University Bielefeld about the consequences of the so-called „Integrationsgesetz“ and we’re reporting live from the demonstration against it under…
In this episode we are talking about happiness in general, about Syrian media and about various cultural specialities from Morocco, Ghana and Iran. سوف نتكلم في هذه الحلقة عن السعادة…
Because of having this special Muslim Occasion of „Blessed Ramadan“ we wish you all the goodness and grace. We will talk about this generous month from all its perspectives. مرحبا…