Life of young Refugees in Germany
Some personal experiences from people who were there, really on the way from their countries to their new country Germany, continuing their lifes, and achieving their dreams. show notes: Welcome…
Some personal experiences from people who were there, really on the way from their countries to their new country Germany, continuing their lifes, and achieving their dreams. show notes: Welcome…
Today we are discussing various aspects and problems concerning learning German, language courses and the legal situation which sometimes makes it impossible for people to get into a German class…
We proudly present our first Common Voices radio show to you! In our first Radio Show we are introducing ourselves our motivations and what „Common Voices Radio“ is all about.
Our first show will be On Air at the 5 th of May 2016 at 5 p.m on Radio Corax 95.9 FM or on the live stream on
CVR_Plakat als pdf راديو متعدد اللغات لهالى والضواحي المجاورة استماع Common Voices Radio . نحن نطرح الأسئلة , نننشر المواضيع والمشاكل المهمة للاجئين في الراديو ونناقشهم في الإذاعة بشكل مباشر…
CVR_Plakat als pdf Common Voices Radio رادیو چند زبانه برای هاله و حومه گوش دادن Common Voices Radio برنامه رادیویی که توسط مهاجرین و پناهجوین هاله و حومه تهیه میشود…
CVR_Plakat als pdf Common Voices Radio – mehrsprachiges Radio für Halle und Umgebung Hören Common Voices Radio ist eine Sendung von Geflüchteten und MigrantInnen in Halle und Umgebung. Wir bringen…
CVR_Plakat als pdf Common Voices Radio – Une Radio multilingue pour Halle et ses alentours Ecouter Common Voices Radio est une émission de radio faite par les réfugiés et les…
CVR_Plakat als pdf Common Voices Radio – multilingual Radio for Halle and surroundings Listening Common Voices Radio is a radio show made by refugees and migrants in Halle and surroundings.…